Accepted Papers
The list of accepted papers is as follows:
Regular papers:
- Vadim Alimguzhin, Federico Mari, Igor Melatti, Ivano Salvo and Enrico Tronci.
A Map-Reduce Parallel Approach to Automatic Synthesis of Control Software
- Nuno P. Lopes and Jose Monteiro.
Automatic Equivalence Checking of UF+IA Programs.
- Alfons Laarman, Elwin Pater and Jaco van de Pol.
Guard-based Partial Order Reduction.
- Divjyot Sethi, Murali Talupur and Sharad Malik.
Model Checking Unbounded Concurrent Lists.
- Sagar Chaki and Joseph Giampapa.
Probabilistic Verification of Coordinated Multi-Robot Missions.
- Anthony Romano and Dawson Engler.
Expression Reduction from Programs in a Symbolic Binary Executor.
- John Backes, Suzette Person, Neha Rungta and Oksana Tkachuk.
Regression Verification using Impact Summaries.
- Stefan Leue and Mitra Tabaei Befrouei.
Mining Sequential Patterns to Explain Concurrent Counterexamples.
- Vadim Alimguzhin, Federico Mari, Igor Melatti, Ivano Salvo and Enrico Tronci.
On-the-Fly Control Software Synthesis.
- Florian Leitner-Fischer and Stefan Leue.
On the Synergy of Probabilistic Causality Computation and Causality Checking.
- Tomáš Babiak, Thomas Badie, Alexandre Duret-Lutz, Mojmir Kretinsky and Jan Strejcek.
Compositional Approach to Suspension and and Other Improvements to LTL Translation.
- Annu John, Igor Konnov, Ulrich Schmid, Helmut Veith and Josef Widder.
Towards Modeling and Model Checking Fault-Tolerant Distributed Algorithms.
- Sergiy Bogomolov, Alexandre Donzé, Goran Frehse, Radu Grosu, Taylor T Johnson, Hamed Ladan, Andreas Podelski and Martin Wehrle.
Abstraction-Based Guided Search for Hybrid Systems.
- Kiran Adhikari, James Street, Chao Wang, Yang Liu and Shaojie Zhang.
Verifying a Quantitative Relaxation of Linearizability via Refinement.
- Giorgio Delzanno and Riccardo Traverso.
Spin the Groove: Specification of Link Reversal Routing as Graph Transformations.
- Jonas Finnemann Jensen, Kim Guldstrand Larsen, Jiri Srba and Lars Kærlund Østergaard.
Local Model Checking of Weighted CTL with Upper-Bound Constraints.
- Stavros Tripakis, Christos Stergiou, Manfred Broy and Edward Lee.
Error-Completion in Interface Theories.
- Bernhard Steffen, Malte Isberner, Stefan Naujokat, Tiziana Margaria and Maren Geske.
Property-Driven Benchmark Generation.
Tool paper:
- Sven Groening, Christopher Rosas and Christian Wietfeld.
COMPLeTe - A COMmunication Protocol vaLidation Toolchain using Formal and Model-Based Specifications and Descriptions.
- Chih-Hong Cheng, Michael Geisinger and Christian Buckl.
Synthesizing Controllers for Automation Tasks with Performance Guarantees.
SPIN 2013 gratefully acknowledges the support from the following sponsors: